Striving for a Healthier lifestyle

Handy Tips & Hints To Help You Eat On The Run:

*Get equipped:
Along with your brief case, laptop and/or handbag you need to have a cooler bag for meals & snacks.
Always have a filled water bottle with you.
TIP: Freeze your cooler bag overnight for hot summer days.

*Bulk Up:
Save time and money by buying and preparing food in bulk. Too much precious time is wasted by always running to the local shopping center to buy items. Having a well stocked pantry makes so much easier to grab and run! Arrange someone to do your shopping if necessary!
TIP: Prepare bulk salads using barley, rice, pasta, chickpeas, beans.
These keep easily for up to three days in the fridge.
When you do prepare food, like over weekends, make extra and freeze it for use during your busy week.
Buy nuts/seeds & dried fruit in bulk and spend time while in front of the TV packing handfuls into small packets (e.g. small bank bags).

*Emergency packs:
At the start of each week, take a container to work with ‘basics’ (tomato, cucumber, green pepper, tub of low fat cheese, cheese wedges, tinned tuna, provitas/ryvitas, cup of soups, breakfast bars, fruit, yogurts) this becomes your emergency lunch for days when you forget or simply do not have time to make lunch!

*Keep ‘drawer’ food:
Keep non-perishable food items at work ‘drawer food’ or in your car, your cubbyhole, your suitcase, and your gym bag. (e.g. dried fruit, biltong, health bars, nuts, seeds, etc…)

Health Chef’s approved eating

Four easy steps to balancing your meals. At each meal include the following:
1. Slow release carbohydrates
2. Lean protein
3. Good healthy essential fats
4. Lots of veggies, fruit & salads

The fuel of choice: Carbohydrates!
Step 1 of putting together your healthy meals : Slow release carbohydrates

All three macronutrients i.e. carbohydrate, protein and fat play an important role in the human body as well as for peak physical performance. Carbohydrates are important as they provide not only vital nutrients such as the B vitamins, but they are filling and provide fiber.

Carbohydrates form a very large food group with many different food types. All the following are comprised mainly of carbohydrate: breads, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, sweets, chocolates, cool drinks, vegetables, fruits etc…

People mistakenly leave these foods out as they believe them to be ‘fattening’ when the truth is quite the opposite – choosing the correct carbohydrate can actually assist with weight loss and keep you energetic! All carbohydrates are digested and produce blood glucose (blood sugar) which in turns fuels us and gives us energy.

Balancing blood glucose levels is an effective strategy for weight loss and improved vitality

Why stabilize blood-glucose levels?

* Low blood-glucose levels:
This leads to hunger, food cravings, weakness, shakiness, fatigue and irritability. If they reach a dangerously low level, you may collapse and fall into a coma.

*High blood-glucose levels:
A continuous high blood-glucose level is hazardous as it promotes blood vessel damage that leads to the following complications: blindness, kidney damage, heart disease, poorly healing sores. It also results in difficulty in losing weight and promotes a condition called insulin resistance. This directly increases your risk of developing chronic diseases of lifestyle such as diabetes and heart disease.

*Fluctuating blood-glucose levels:
Having blood glucose highs and lows (which so many of us do from poor eating habits) results in mood swings, fatigue, poor concentration and reduced mental abilities.

Fast release carbohydrates (High Glycaemic Index)

These foods are digested and absorbed quickly. This produces a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. This promotes the over production of insulin (a storage hormone). Consistently high insulin levels (hyperinsulineamia) are implicated in many of the diseases of lifestyle - high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol, adult onset diabetes, high triglycerides

  1. Energy slumps or ‘lows’
  2. High insulin levels
  3. Lowered satiety – hungry faster
  4. Poor mental performance
  5. Cravings for sweet or starchy foods
NOTE: Fast release foods are ideal for athletes or in small amounts for any one experiencing hypoglycaemia.

Slow release foods (Low Glycaemic Index)

These foods are digested and absorbed more slowly and allow glucose to be released slowly and steadily into the bloodstream. The demand on insulin production is therefore less resulting in the following health benefits:

° Sustained energy
° Enhanced health & well being also improved immunity
° Less demand on insulin therefore great for those with diabetes
° Feelings of satiety – fuller for longer
° Promotes fat loss
° Less cravings (Easier to turn down that afternoon chocolate!)
° Better mental performance

A few examples of fast release foods:
Refined cereals (Cornflakes, Rice crispies ect…), Sweets, Commercial Honey
White & brown bread, Mealiemeal, 2- Minute noodles
Rice cakes, Snack bread, instant oats, Pastries, Muffins, Cakes, Biscuits

A few examples of slow release foods:
Sweet potato, Durum Pasta (Cooked aldente), Oat bran & Certain Oats, Kellogg’s hi fiber bran
Pearled Barley, Mealies, Soya, All legumes– dried & canned, (peas, baked beans, lentils, pea Dahl...), Seed loaf bread, Pro-vita

The building blocks: protein
Step 2 of putting together your healthy meals: Lean protein

Proteins and particularly animal products (eggs, milk, red meat, chicken and fish to name a few) occupy a central position in the South African diet. Protein is also a popular topic of conversation, particularly with regards to weight loss and sports performance. We hear about high protein diets and low protein diets. We know about liquid protein, protein supplements. Why all this fuss about this food group? Although we all need some amount of protein in our diet we tend to eat too much of it. Because animal protein tends to be high in fat, we end up increasing our fat intake. The tip then is to eat moderate amounts of LEAN animal protein but to go for plant based protein such as Soya, tofu, legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, butter beans, kidney beans ect…) as well!

Fact or fallacy?
1. Adding small amounts of protein to each meal will sustain you and keep you fuller for longer.
FACT: All protein digests slowly and so regulates blood glucose (sugar) levels.
2. Many of us, especially Braai-friendly South Africans tend to eat far more protein than we actually need.
FACT: On average we need 1-2 portions of protein at most meals. A portion is equivalent to the size of a medium hand palm (100-150g).
3. Vegetarians cannot get enough protein.
FALLACY: Plant foods also provide protein! Eating a well balanced diet of a variety of foods such as legumes, barley, sweet corn, Soya, tofu, fish can provide as much protein as a carnivorous diet!
4. High protein diets are the best way to lose weight.
FALLACY: High protein diets seem to work short term only as they are difficult to adhere to. They are low in fiber and tend to be high in saturated fats, which are harmful to our health.

Always remember to go for lean or low fat protein sources to minimize your intake of harmful saturated fats, which are found predominantly in animal protein.
Become label wise and try to choose products that have <5g style="font-weight: bold;"> Did you know
Ostrich meat, along with many game varieties, is one of lowest t meats. This is because all game are much more active – thushave more muscle mass than fat mass over other animals. Even though ostrich is a red meat – it is extremely low in cholesterol and can be consumed up to 3-4 times per week.

The better proteins to choose:
Red meat: Game (ostrich) is best then lean beef
Fish: Go for un battered fish or seafood. Salmon, sardines, hake, pilchards, tuna ect…
Poultry: Always remove the skin and opt for chicken breasts or turkey
Cold meats: Read labels and opt for those with <5g style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> Fat – friend or foe?

Step 3 of putting together your healthy meals: Natural fat

Fat is an essential component of any balanced and healthy diet. Dietary fats are the most concentrated source of kilojoules (energy). Fats contain 2 ½ times as much energy as carbohydrates and proteins. Although a high-fat diet is shown to contribute to obesity and many other diseases of lifestyle such as cancer, diabetes & heart disease, it is the type of fat and not just the amount that is important. There are different types of fat. Some benefit our health and are even ESSENTIAL, other fats however, are harmful and cause damage to our bodies.

Go fat free or at least low fat in milk and yogurt. Watch for hidden fat in cheese – most cheeses contain > 20g fat per 100g. For regular use - use fat free or very low fat cheeses (e.g. fat free/low fat cream/cottage cheese or ricotta).
Always remove all visible fat from meat & poultry before cooking. Remember that the drier the meat, the leaner it is, so venison, topside and aitchbone are low in fat.
The harder the lard of the meat the more saturated the fat is. This means that chicken and pork are your best options, then beef and then lamb and mutton. Avoid luncheon meats, polony, salami, Vienna’s & boerewors. The fat in fish is unsaturated, therefore beneficial! Opt for fish at least 3 x weekly.

Become a low fat cooking whizz! Grill, bake, use non-stick equipment or dry fry with stock & wine instead of oil! Don’t just remove fat – replace it with delicious herbs & spices & low fat sauces. There are many low fat sauces available that will turn a plain bowl of pasta into a mouth watering rich tasting dish. Just read labels when shopping.

Unsaturated (good) fats:
These fats are vital for optimal health and well-being. These must be included in your daily meal plan even if you want to lose weight. Amongst others here are a few of the benefits of unsaturated fats:
  1. Maintain the integrity of all cellular membranes
  2. Natural anti-inflammatory
  3. Protect against heart disease
  4. Fats make you feel full
  5. Not as easily stored as saturated fats – rather used
  6. Important role in immune function
  7. Aids in transport of certain vitamins
  8. Adds to palatability of diet
  9. Positive effect on fat made by the liver egetables, many fruits.
• Use crushed nuts/seeds as these are easier to measure
• Package nuts or seeds into small zip-lock packets for quick
• easy snacks.
• Use raw unsalted & unroasted nuts and seeds.
• Buy these in bulk & store in airtight container in a cool place

• Make the following power packed seed mix. This seed mix is rich in your essential fatty acids, zinc, vitamin E and even calcium. Enjoy 1-2 tablespoons per day over cereals, yogurt, as snacks, in stir fries and smoothies. In equal amounts, mix together sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds.

Among the unsaturated fats are a group of essential fatty acids. They are essential to optimal health. Our bodies cannot make them so we have to obtain them from our diets.
They are called the omega 6 & omega 3 essential fatty acids.
Sources of omega 3 fatty acids are: oily fish (salmon, pilchards, sardines, mackerel, tuna), flaxseed & linseed oil, Soya, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, green leafy vegetables.
Sources of omega 6 fatty acids are: most plant oils, safflower, evening primrose, wheat germ, soy, dark green vegetables, many fruits.

Nature’s wonder foods: Fruits & Veggies
Step 5 of putting together your healthy meals: Lots of fruit & vegetables
You’ve heard them before “eat your greens”, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and “get your 5-a-day”. Our immune systems are bombarded on a daily basis through stress, poor diet and conditions of lifestyle. Nature provided us all with natural immune boosters, vitamins and minerals that we can eat and enjoy …all perfectly packaged as fresh fruit and vegetables!

DID YOU KNOW: Half our plates should be made up of fruit and/vegetables at each meal!

Fruit Frenzy
Not only does fruit look attractive, it is a perfect snack. Fruit is easy to eat and can be carried around in your handbag or brief case for an emergency snack. It is biodegradable with no wrapper to recycle. Most fruits contain fiber which keeps our digestive systems in tact, and fruits help satisfy those sweet cravings with its natural sugar content.
• Make smoothies using fresh fruits (Strawberries, berries, bananas, paw paw, granadilla, apples and pears are fantastic in a smoothie!)
• Make fresh fruit salad in bulk and refrigerate – use as required either as part of breakfast, a snack or as a dessert!
• Freeze fruits and use as ice-lollies. Mash and freeze fruit – use in baking or add to yogurt.
• Add chopped fruit to a jug of water to naturally flavour your water. (E.g. strawberries and lemon slices add zest to water.)
• Add fruit pieces to salads and vegetable stir fries (e.g. pieces of apple and naartjie in a salad; pine apple in a stir fry).
• Stew fruit in a little warm water!

Did you know
Paw paw and pineapple are excellent for your digestive system due to the enzymes they contain (i.e. papain and bromelain respectively). Paw paw pips are also fantastic immune boosters. Dry bake them in the oven and put in a pepper grinder. Simply grind over meals!

Vegetable Feast
There is simply no substitute for these power packed, immune enhancing vegetables. Instead of preparing veggies in the typical bland way of boiling and steaming, get out of your comfort zone, let your creative juices swirl and discover how delicious vegetables really can be.

• Do as much pre-preparation as possible i.e. peel, de-core peppers, top & tail etc…. Place in sealed containers.
• Roast a variety of veggies in bulk using a little olive oil and herbs. Braai vegetables in foil next to your steak!
• Make veggie soups and freeze. Enjoy hot or cold!
• Always add vegetable-type ingredients to sandwiches – try cucumber, gherkin, lettuce, grated carrot, sliced mushroom, sweet peppers, pepper dews, etc…

SMART SHOPPING list for ideas of snacks and meals to eat on the run:

Some meals need a bit of preparation, e.g. supper: grilled fish with baked potato, mixed vegetables and a fruit (use the microwave to prepare the potato and the mixed vegetables, while grilling the fish, this meal should not take more than 15 minutes to cook). Cook in bulk and freeze starches such as barley and rice.

  • Fresh Fruit - the best snack – no mess, biodegradable wrapper and nutritious!
  • Dried fruit (watch portion sizes for weight control)
  • Fruit canned in juice or very light syrup (use occasionally only)
  • Low fat drinking yogurts and smoothies (These can be sipped while you are driving! Try new ultra-healthy Soya milkshakes (Woolworth’s))
  • Pure fruit juices or vegetable juices.
  • Small packets of unsalted mixed nuts (Watch portion sizes if concerned about weight). Try cashews, walnuts & almonds.
  • Small packets of mixed seeds (Watch portion sizes if concerned about weight). Try pumpkin seeds, linseeds, sesame & sunflower seeds.
  • Healthy bars e.g. Trufruit bar, Noogy Bars, Kellogg’s Special K & All Bran Bar Bokomo Breakfast bar, Woolworth’s Cereal bar, Granola bars, Weigh Less break out bars, Soya bars
  • Choosing a low fat bar: ideally the fat content should be as low as possible. If it’s a snack (preferably below 5g per bar). If the bar is substituting a meal, then the fat content can go up to 10g per bar.
  • Low fat baked muffins, fruit loaves, biscuits, rusks etc… (Bake low GI muffins in bulk & freeze. “Eating for Sustained Energy” by L Delport & G Steenkamp has great ideas)
  • Low fat, low GI crackers (provitas, ryevitas, digestive biscuits)
  • Low fat popcorn – high in fiber and easy to eat while on the run!
  • Low fat, low GI crunchy muesli cereal
  • Lite jam, marmite, mustard, fish paste
  • Lean biltong (ostrich or kudu)
  • Keep crudités (cut vegetable & fruit pieces) in a container, use fat free cottage cheese; cream cheese, hummus as a delicious dip.
  • Canned vegetables such as tomato and onion, sweet corn, peas & green beans (These can be enjoyed either hot or at room temperature)
  • Easy to open canned fish such as tuna; salmon; mussels; shrimp; pilchards (Just be sure to have mints or chewing gum close by!)
  • Bottled gherkins, pepperdews, relish, mustard and tomato sauce for spicing up sandwiches or salads.
  • Canned beans, peas and lentils of all types.
  • Textured vegetable protein products (Toppers, etc Just add boiling water!)
  • Sliced whole-wheat or rye bread, or rolls (freeze in portion sizes that you require, for example, take your daily portion out of the freezer every evening and store in the fridge, by morning the bread will have defrosted and be ready for toasting or for making those sandwiches)
  • Lean thinly sliced cold cuts or
  • Like-it-Lean products
  • Ostrich Russians, ham, bacon and Vienna’s
  • Ready-to eat low-fat frozen meals
  • Frozen fish, and calamari (plain no batter)
  • Skinned chicken breasts (pack into portions, pre-shred and freeze)
  • Low-fat salad dressings
  • Frozen vegetables
Avocado starter- 54
Chilled almond and chilli soup - 59
Exotic mushroom caviar with Phyllo parcels- 26
Crispy potato skins -61
Baby potatoes crowned with a mustard sauce- 48
Broccoli, mushroom and red pepper salad -55
Cabbage and apple salad -22
Crunchy papaya salad -62
Grilled tofu salad -28
Nutty rice burgers -68
Spiced chickpea dish- 43
Summer mint couscous- 44
Veggie kebabs -46
Chicken spaghetti bolognaise - 18
Chicken stroganoff -58
Chicken Tikka -49
Curried chicken- 25
Gourmet omelet- 65
Mediterranean couscous- 34
Sweet ‘n sour chicken olives - 45
Burgundy steak and mushroom pie- 56
Meaty hot pot -33
Ostrich burger -39
Sesame turkey and polenta- 42
Sweet ’n sour ostrich meatballs- 50
Grilled salmon, strawberry and
balsamic vinegar on wild rocket -27
Mexican fish and beans -36
Mushroom and tuna bake- 37
Smoked haddock pâté- 47
Banana apple bread -15
Lentil pumpkin loaf -67
Sweet potato bread -16
Chicken spaghetti bolognaise- 18
Creamy vegetarian pasta -17
Mediterranean pasta -19
Ostrich pasta -20
Berry blaze smoothie- 24
Berry delight -52
Berry spritzer -21
Cedarberg smoothie- 52
Crème soda smoothie- 24
Dewdrop smoothie -51
Gluhwein -64
Immune booster- 31
Light mango cocktail- 21
Litchi smoothie -52
Oat surprise -38
Sunshine smoothie -51
Tropical mango smoothie -51
American French toast with honeyed fruit -53
Cherry delight / Mandarin delight -23
Pancakes and berry sauce -40
Pumpkin crème brulee -41
Chocolate date squares -60
Exotic almond fruit parcels- 63
Meringue baskets -35
Yogurt fruit jelly -31
Caramelized onion and potato pancakes -57
Hummus -66
Lunch box revolution -70
Stuffed eggs -48
Low fat quiche- 32
Chips -69
Health cells muesli- 29
Health cells pizza -30

to be continue....

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